Welcome to you all
Day 29 task is to write a
student commenting guide.
This is a follow-up to the flyer Homer's Comment Tips. It is a guide to the student who has learnt to write a comment against a post.

Tamara has posted a page on her blog. Here are tips on
5 ways to write comments on Tamara’s post.
But first:
- You may not be first to comment so you need to signal who you are speaking with. If you are commenting to Tamara, start your comment with @Tamara - .
- If Matt has written a comment that you’d like to speak with him about, start your comment with @Matt -
- If Matt and Jacob have both put comments on Tamara’s post you may want to say something with both of them.
Start your comment with @Matt @Jacob – - Plan your comment. You may like to use a pencil and pad to do this.
1 Put your point of view
You don’t always have to agree with the post or any comment that’s there.
If you agree or disagree with something someone has said, it’s okay to say so in your comment. Often it is useful to refer to the person who wrote it.
So you might write something like, “@Tamara - I agree with Matt when he said that . . ."
2 Be polite
It is too easy to get offside with someone in a comment.
Be polite even when you disagree. Remember that you may have misunderstood what was meant. It is often more useful to ask for details.
3 Asking direct questions
A question can be put to the person who wrote the post or to one of the commenters.
Make sure your question is clear. Read it through several times before you submit it. If it needs changing, fix it first.
4 Ask for clarification
It could be that you are not sure about something. It’s okay to ask someone to explain without asking a direct question.
You may write something like “@Jacob – I’m not sure what you meant when you said . . .”
5 Asking the company
If you wish to ask a question and your not sure who to ask (poster or commenter) you can always use @Everyone - .
It might be that you say “@Everyone – Does anyone know how to . . . ”
Ka kite anō
Catch ya later
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