Help! And I thought I’d sneak through July without being tagged!
Well it just isn’t going to happen!
Paul Cornies’ recent post, 4 R's Meme: Favourite Posts, asks those tagged to select 4 of their favourite posts from their own blog, one from each of the categories: Rants, Resources, Reflections and Revelations.
The posts are then listed with a brief summary on each describing:
- why it was important,
- why it had lasting value or impact,
- how you would update it for today.
Here are my 4 selected posts, not all of them directly related to education:
Rants – What Do You Do With A Fan Of Links?

Infowhelm is ubiquitous and can even exist within a single post in the form of numerous links to dozens of associated and not so related resources. This rant-category post raged about the problem and brought forth sympathy, further discussion and some solutions. I’d like to be able to write more posts like this one.

I needed to write 'Ship-shape and Bristol Fashion' to find out, firsthand, that bloggers have their own strong beliefs about their practices in publishing a post. I was aware that some readers may not have been familiar with the possibility of hazardous html and how it may be introduced. What I did not anticipate was that in the territory of other experienced bloggers, this topic could be hallowed ground.
Reflections – Collective behaviour

Group dynamics is a current issue that’s the subject of numerous studies at different levels in society. The behaviour of the group, as opposed to the behaviour of its component individual acting as an isolate, is a paradox. This was a popular post that didn’t really put forward enough questions to stimulate further engagement through comments.
Revelations – In Praise of Plaudit

Positive feedback is such an important encourager for the learner and especially the isolated distance-learner. It is one of the cornerstones of learner engagement.
'In Praise of Plaudit' sparked a discussion in comments that affirmed the need for teachers, tutors and elearning technologists to embrace the importance of learner encouragement through feedback.
What I didn’t take into account when I wrote the post was that every educator has their own perspective on the learner. It is perhaps unclear to those who have not experienced distance-learner contact firsthand, the important differences between learners who have face-to-face contact with tuition and the needy situations so often experienced by isolated distance-learners.
I tag the following intrepid and much respected bloggers:
Andrea Hernandez
Café Chick
Ken Stewart
Manish Mohan
Virginia Yonkers
Remember to tag your post with the label postsofthepast.

Enjoyable combination of images with some of your favourite posts. Thanks.
Rather interesting meme Ken. Definitely need to continue this tag.
Hmm, this one is going to take a bit of thinking about. Give me a few days and I'll see what I come up with.
Well, it took a while to go through my posts, but you can find my own post here.
Ken, I am just returning to the land of blogging and checking in with my various friends and communities after a rather protracted process of moving our offices. We are finally all getting settled in, and ironing out the major wrinkles.
I see that I have been nominated to participate in a rather interesting meme, and I accept your invitation.
It's always grand to hear from you, and take care!
Warmest Regards,
Ken Stewart
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